Wednesday, September 16, 2020

powtoon trailer


 I was learning to make a trailer with books .I found to easy-to-use the powtoons because I used it before I found it hard to a book because I love a lot of books because I had so much of my favourite books.Next time I might need to add a little bit more detail in the picture like more animals and people and more slides.

new game


I was learning to make a game.from different games. I found it easy to make back around pretty.
I found it was hard to make up a game.Next time I might need to explain more about the game

Friday, September 4, 2020

my powtoon

I was learning to make a powtoons video.enjoyed working with my friends. next time I need to make the video smaller


I was learning to make step by step instructions on how to shave a sheep.
I found it hard to write the steps in order.
I enjoyed making the animations move.